Apply for SECEC Patronage


As the reference European scientific society for shoulder and elbow surgery, SECEC is endorsing a number of courses, congresses and meetings devoted to shoulder and/or elbow surgery.
SECEC members attending these courses will be granted a number of credits which will count towards our future "SECEC Certification".


In order to be granted SECEC Patronage, the courses should meet the following criteria:

  • focus on Shoulder and/or Elbow Surgery
  • be supported by multiple sponsors
  • have at least 2 SECEC members (Full or Corresponding members) in the scientific committee
  • offer reduced fees for SECEC members
  • ensure SECEC Patronage's visibility by placing the SECEC logo with the mention "with SECEC patronage" on printed and digital material (programme, website, posters, publication in scientific journals, …)
  • provide SECEC information to delegates - to be organised with the SECEC Office (stand, bag inserts, flyers, intersession slides, ...)

Please note that the application should be made by a SECEC member (via his/her personal area).

SECEC reserves the right to decline an application if it is considered that it does not meet the above criteria.

You will be notified by email of the status of your application (within 4 weeks after payment the administration fee).

Online application

Please collect all information:

  • website address
  • logo (if available)
  • list of scientific committee
  • scientific programme (English version required)
  • SECEC Credits form completed (use the official SECEC Credit Form)

Application fee

  • 250€ administration fee
  • to be paid by bank transfer
  • waived for the official National Society's annual meeting


Courses who obtain the SECEC Patronage will be listed:

  • on the SECEC website
  • in the SECEC Patronage Newsletter sent every 2 to 3 months to all SECEC community (cumulated audience of more than 2,500 shoulder and elbow professionals)

The advert will include the title of the event, the logo, dates and a mention of the reduced fees for SECEC members.

Please note that SECEC no longer provides the option to advertise for individual courses.

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