Article 1 :
An association governed by the Act of July 1st 1901 and the Decree of August 16. 1901 and named « Société Européenne de Chirurgie de l’Epaule et du Coude » (SECEC) or « European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow » (ESSSE) is founded among the adherents to this constitution.
Article 2 :
The official languages of the Association are English and French.
Article 3 :
The purpose of this association is to establish a scientific cooperation and to provide for continuing training of orthopaedic surgeons specialized in surgery of the shoulder and elbow and based in a European Council country plus Kazakhstan, Russia and Israel, in order to contribute to the development of the physiological, pathological and therapeutic study of those joints.
Article 4 :
The association’s registered office is currently fixed:
69 Boulevard des Canuts – Lyon 69004 (France)
Article 5 :
All practitioners able to make a scientific contribution to the association’s purpose are eligible for membership.
Applicants for full membership must be sponsored by two members of the Society.
Membership is lost by:
- resignation,
- death,
- expulsion by the Executive Committee for non-payment of dues when the annual subscription has not been paid for 2 consecutive years or due cause, after the member has been informed by e-mail by the Treasurer.
Article 6 :
The members must pay annual dues fixed annually by the membership on committee recommendation. The dues may vary with the category of membership.
Article 7 :
The society’s funds consist of the initiation fees, public and private grants and subsidies or gifts and dues.
Article 8 : The classes of membership are:
8.1. Founding members:
D. Patte - (deceased)
N. Gschwend – (deceased)
8.2. Full members:
Full members: Surgeons, orthopaedic surgeons specialized in surgery of the shoulder and the elbow and practitioners of all disciplines interested in the pathology of the shoulder and the elbow with an intention to contribute to the improved knowledge and treatment of shoulder/elbow pathologies.
8.3. Corresponding members:
Practitioners of all specialities based in countries outside of those listed in Article 3 and having contributed significantly to shoulder and elbow surgery. Practitioners of all disciplines interested in the pathology of the shoulder and the elbow.
8.4. Senior members:
Retired practitioners who continue to take part in the life of the society. They keep their rights and duties within the society but are exempted from the annual dues (they do not receive the journal for free).
8.5. Honorary members:
Candidates for the Honorary Membership are elected by secret vote by the full members at the General Assembly on recommendation of both the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.
8.6. Junior members:
Students, surgeons, orthopaedic surgeons specialized in surgery of the shoulder and the elbow and practitioners of all disciplines interested in the pathology of the shoulder and the elbow with an intention to contribute to the improved knowledge and treatment of shoulder/elbow pathologies. Must be less than 32 years old.
Article 9 : Organization of the association
The association’s administrative actions are taken by the National Delegates, the Executive Committee, a Board of Directors and a General Assembly.
9.1. National Delegates:
Countries listed in Article 3, with more than 10 full members will be represented by one National Delegate. The National Delegate should be a full member.
In countries where a national society for shoulder and elbow surgery does exist, it is whished that the President, or Past President or General Secretary (according to their own bylaws) will be the chosen representative.
When there is no national society for shoulder and elbow surgery, the National Delegate will be appointed by the Executive Committee.
The term of the National Delegates is three (3) years and they can be re-elected / re-appointed for up to two (2) successive terms. The Executive Committee will endeavour to ensure that each country which fulfils the criteria listed above will be represented.
9.2. The Executive Committee consists of :
- 1 President elected for 2 years,
- 1 President Elect elected for one year after which he/she will become the President for 2 years,
- 1 Treasurer elected for 2 years,
- 1 General Secretary elected for 3 years,
- 7 Full Members as a minimum chosen to provide a balanced representation of the European countries, or even a number equivalent to the Chairs of the subcommittees or ad-Hoc committees.
- The JSES Deputy Editor (from Europe) will be ex officio member of the Executive committee. He/she will stay in the Executive Committee during his/her whole term as Deputy Editor.
9.2.1. Executive Committee members are elected by secret vote by the Full members at the General Assembly on the recommendation of both the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.
The Executive Committee members are elected for a term of two (2) years and are eligible for re-election for a second two (2) year term. However they can not serve for more than two (2) successive terms. No person can be a member of the Executive Committee for more than four (4) consecutive years except for the President Elect, the President and the General Secretary.
9.2.2. The President Elect is elected by secret ballot by the Board of Directors
He/she must be an actual or former member of the Executive Committee. He/she will serve in his/her position for one year during this which he/she will help the President during the President’s last year of Presidency and will make preparation for his/her own Presidency which will last for two (2) years. The President cannot be re-elected for a second term, but he/she stays in the Executive Committee one year after the end of his/her term.
9.2.3. The General Secretary is elected for three (3) years by the Full Members at the General Assembly meeting on recommendation of the Executive Committee. He/she can be elected for two (2) successive terms. In the case of re-election he/she may stay on the Executive Committee until the end of his/her second term of office.
9.3. The Board of Directors consists of:
9.3.1. Founding members and the Executive Committee Members who are ex officio members of the Board.
9.3.2. National Delegates.
9.4. General Assembly
The President, assisted by the Executive Committee members chairs the membership meetings and reports on the association’s non pecuniary condition.
The Treasurer reports on his/her management and submits the balance sheet for approval by the membership. The membership is also empowered to authorize alienations, purchases and sales.
An invitation to apply for the organisation of an annual meeting will be sent out to the members through the website at least four (4) years in advance. The Executive Committee will consider the proposals and will take a decision at least three (3) years in advance.
The General Assembly will select by secret vote the European candidate to ICSES organisation. The candidates will present their applications in front of the General Assembly.
The full members will have the opportunity to make proposals regarding the main topics and ICL of the next congresses. The Executive Committee will then make a choice among these proposals.
9.4.1. Only business on the agenda may be transacted at a membership meeting. During General Assembly, resolution will be taken by majority vote only if 30% of the Full Members are present in person or by proxy and resolutions will be decided by a majority vote. If the 30% quorum requirements are not fulfilled, the vote will be organised later digitally, and in this case, no quorum is required: resolutions will be decided by a majority vote.
If need be or on requests of half plus one of the members the President may call a special membership meeting. On first call business may be transacted at a special membership meeting if half of the members are present in person or by proxy, and resolutions being adopted by a two-third majority vote. On second call there is no quorum requirements, the vote will be organised digitally and resolutions will be adopted by a two third majority vote.
Article 10 : Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
10.1. Official publications of the Society
The « Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery » and the “Open Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery “ are the official publications of the Society. The Society encourages that scientific and medical articles from Europe containing information regarding the investigation, development, preservation and restoration of the form and function of the shoulder and elbow are published in the journal.
10.2. European Member of the «Board of Trustees »
The Society has one member of the Board of Trustees nominated by the Executive Committee and recommended to the society for election at General Assembly. The European member of the Board of Trustees shall serve for a three (3) year term of office and shall be eligible for election to three (3) successive terms.
10.3. European Editorial Board of JSES
The European Editorial Board includes three (3) members and is nominated by the Executive Committee of SECEC for a three (3) year term of office and is then eligible for annual nomination by the Executive Committee. The Chairmanship of the European Editorial Board is for a two (2) year term.
The European Editor (Deputy editor) is responsible for selecting, preparing and transmitting the editorial materials to the publisher of the journal for publication.
The European Editor shall be responsible for nominating individuals for various positions on the editorial staff including co-editor and associate editors.
The European Editor is ex officio member of the Executive Committee during the duration of his term. He/she shall prepare an annual report for the Executive Committee together with interim reports as the Executive Committee may require.
Article 11 : Standing Committees
11.1. Membership Committee
The Membership Committee consists of five (5) members, or more, if needed, nominated by the Executive Committee and appointed by the General Assembly. One of the members must be a member of the Executive Committee. Their appointment to the Membership Committee will be for two (2) years but members may serve up to two (2) successive terms. The Executive Committee shall designate the chair of the committee. Also this appointment is for a two (2) year term and the chair may serve up to two (2) successive terms.
The Membership Committee shall receive the applications to full members, junior and corresponding membership. The applications will be evaluated by Membership Committee according with National Delegates, approved by Ex Com and announced to General Assembly.
The Membership Committee should be in close contact with the National Delegates in order to recruit young capable members. The Membership Committee shall present an annual report to the Executive Committee for their consideration. The Membership Committee shall present an annual report at the General Assembly.
11.2. Education Committee
The Education Committee consists of five (5) members, or more if needed, nominated by the Executive Committee and appointed by the General Assembly. One of these members must also be a member of the Executive Committee. The appointment to the Education Committee will be for a two (2) year term, but members may serve up to two (2) successive terms.
The Executive Committee shall designate the chair of this committee. The appointment of the chair is for a two (2) year term of office, and he/she may serve up to two (2) successive full terms. The Education committee is responsible for the organisation and supervision of educational and teaching activities.
The Education Committee shall present an annual report at the General Assembly.
11.3. Research and Development Committee
The Research and Development Committee consists of five (5) members, or more if needed, nominated by the Executive Committee and appointed by the General Assembly. At least one of these members must be a member of the Executive Committee. The appointment is for a two (2) year term. Members may serve up to two (2) successive terms.
The Executive Committee shall designate the Chair of the committee. The appointment of the Chair is for a two (2) year term of office and he/she may serve up to two (2) successive terms.
The Research and Development Committee is responsible for the organisation of clinical and experimental research activities of the society. The R & D Committee is allowed to build working groups which are headed by a member of the R & D Committee and have to be confirmed by the Executive Committee.
The Research and Development Committee shall present an annual report at the General Assembly.
11.4. Ad Hoc Committees
Ad Hoc Committees shall be appointed by the Executive Committee whenever needed but have to be confirmed by the General Assembly.
11.5. Ethical Committee
The Ethical Committee consists of 5 members. The members are appointed by the General Assembly on proposition of the Executive Committee. The members are elected for one year and can be renewed for maximum a total of 6 consecutive years. At least 3 of the members are former Presidents of the society. In any matter potentially involving a member directly or a person or an institution closely related to that member, he/she will automatically withdraw from his / her functions for this matter.
The Ethical Committee serves to investigate alleged unethical conduct involving members of the society, and proposes measures for resolution and prevention to the Executive Committee. The Ethical Committee can propose measures to ascertain the highest possible ethical standards in science and care to be imposed by the SECEC/ESSSE.
11.6. Digital Media Committee
The Digital Media Committee consists of five (5) members, or more if needed, nominated by the Executive Committee and appointed by the General Assembly. At least one of these members must be a member of the Executive Committee. The webmaster is appointed by the Executive Committee for a two (2) year term and is ex officio member of the Digital Media Committee. He/she can serve up to 2 successive terms. The appointment of the Digital Media Committee members is for a two (2) year term. Members may serve up to two (2) successive terms. The Executive Committee shall designate the chair of this committee who is appointed for a two (2) year term and may serve up to two (2) successive terms.
The Digital Media Committee is responsible for the contents of the SECEC/ ESSSE website and its updating.
The Digital Media Committee shall present an annual report at the General Assembly.
11.7. European Support Committee
The European Support Committee consists of five (5) members, or more if needed, nominated by the Executive Committee and appointed by the General Assembly. At least one of the members must be a member of the Executive Committee. The appointment is for a two (2) year term. Members may serve up to two (2) successive terms. The Executive Committee shall designate the chair of the committee who is appointed for a two (2) year term and may serve up to two (2) successive terms.
The European Support Committee shall support countries in their efforts to develop shoulder and elbow surgery.
The European Support Committee shall present an annual report at the General Assembly.
11.8. Programme Committee
The Programme Committee consists of the General Secretary, the President of the next congress, the Chair of the Digital Media Committee and four (4) full members appointed by the Executive Committee and voted at the General Assembly meeting. It also includes a representative of the SECEC core PCO (who will have no voting rights). The Programme committee is responsible for abstract selection, preparation of the abstract book, scientific programme. Committee members have to select the reviewers of the abstract selection. The appointment is for a two (2) year term. Members may serve up to one (1) term, except the President of the congress who will end his term after the congress he/she has organised and the General Secretary who will end step down at the end of his/her term. The General Secretary will be ex officio the Chair of this committee.
The Program Committee shall present an annual report at the General Assembly.
11.9. Health Care Delivery Committee
The aim of the Health Care Delivery Committee is to establish and promote relations with other professionals from orthopaedic and trauma surgeons involved in the care, research or education of shoulder and elbow. The Health Care Delivery Committee consists of five (5) members, or more if needed, nominated by the Executive Committee and appointed by the General Assembly. At least one of these members must by a physiotherapist or a rehabilitation specialist physician. At least one of the members of the Health Care Delivery Committee must be a member of the Executive Committee. The appointment is for a two (2) year term. Members may serve up to two (2) successive terms.
The Executive Committee shall designate the Chair of the committee. The appointment of the Chair is for a two (2) year term of office and he/she may serve up to two (2) successive terms.
The Health Care Delivery Committee is responsible for the organisation of the specialty day about rehabilitation in collaboration with the EUSSER.
The Health Care Delivery Committee shall present an annual report at the General Assembly.
11.10. Qualification Committee
The Qualification Committee includes five (5) members, or more if needed, nominated by the Executive Committee and appointed by the General Assembly. At least one of its members must be a member of the Executive Committee. They are appointed for 2 years and they may serve up to two (2) successive terms.
The Executive Committee shall designate the Chair of the committee. The appointment of the Chair is for a two (2) year term of office and he/she may serve up to two (2) successive terms.
The Qualification Committee will work in collaboration with the National Societies of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery in order to set up a qualification process of shoulder and elbow surgeons.
The Qualification Committee shall present an annual report at the General Assembly.
11.11. Registries and Multicentric Studies Committee
The Registries and Multicentric Studies Committee consists of five (5) members, or more if needed, nominated by the Executive Committee and appointed by the General Assembly. At least one of these members must be a member of the Executive Committee. The appointment is for a two (2) year term. Members may serve up to two (2) successive terms.
The Executive Committee shall designate the Chair of the committee. The appointment of the Chair is for a two (2) year term of office and he/she may serve up to two (2) successive terms.
11.12. Junior Committee
The Junior Committee consists of five (5) members, or more if needed, nominated by the Executive Committee and appointed by the General Assembly. Members may serve up to two (2) successive terms.
The Executive Committee shall designate the Chair of the committee. The appointment of the Chair is for a two (2) year term of office and he/she may serve up to two (2) successive terms.
11.13. International Committee
The International Committee consists of 5 members or more if needed, nominated by the Executive Committee and appointed by the General Assembly. The appointment is for a two (2) year term and the members may serve up to two (2) successive terms. The members are representatives of international or regional societies of shoulder and elbow surgery. These societies will be asked to nominate their own representative. The representatives should be a corresponding member of SECEC/ESSSE.
The SECEC past President will chair the committee during his/her tenure and thus will be replaced every second year. The General Secretary is ex officio member of this committee.
The International Committee will be in charge of the collaboration with the «sister» societies of SECEC/ESSSE and the development of common projects dealing with shoulder and elbow surgery, research and education.
Article 12:
Rules and resolutions may be adopted by the Board of Directors, which had been approved at a general assembly.
The purpose of such rules and regulations is to regulate the various matters not provided for in the constitution including those relative to the internal administration of the association.
Article 13:
If the association is wound up by vote of at least two-third of the members present at a membership meeting at which action is taken as provided in article 13, the members elect one or more liquidators at such meeting and any assets are devolved according to article 9 of the Act of July 1st, 1901 and the Decree of August 16, 1901.