SECEC Official journal

The Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (JSES) is SECEC Official Journal.

It is also supported by the following national societies:

  • British Elbow and Shoulder Society (BESS)
  • Danish Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and Elbow
  • Finnish Shoulder Society
  • German Society for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (DVSE)
  • Groupes d’Etude de l’Epaule et du Coude
  • Italian Society of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
  • Spanish Society for Surgery of Shoulder and Elbow
  • Swedish Society for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery

The Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery is the official publication for eight leading specialty organizations. This authoritative journal is the only publication to focus exclusively on medical, surgical, and physical techniques for treating injury/disease of the upper extremity, especially the shoulder and elbow joint. The Journal is a scientific medical journal containing information relative to the investigation of the development, preservation, and restoration of the form and function of the shoulder girdle, arm, elbow, and associated structures by medical, surgical, and physical means.

Clinically oriented and peer-reviewed, the Journal provides an international forum for the exchange of information on new techniques, instruments, and materials. Topics covered include fractures, dislocations, diseases and injuries of the rotator cuff, imaging techniques, arthritis, arthroscopy, arthroplasty, and rehabilitation.

Over the last five years the percentage of papers published from North American, European, Pacific Rim and Asian countries has maintained a consistent reflection of an unbiased peer review and editorial process with a focus on blinded review and acceptance of the best papers. This policy is reflected in the strong International representation of the papers published in the Journal

The objectives of the Journal are to enhance the professional study and practice of shoulder and elbow surgery, to act as a stimulant to research by providing a forum for discussion of new scientific advances, and to further international cooperation among shoulder and elbow societies by serving as an official publication for recognized societies

To accomplish these goals, the Journal accepts for publication original articles, descriptions of surgical and other patient care techniques, case reports, historical and current reviews, editorials, comments on published material, and announcements or proceedings of participating societies. Books are also accepted for review.

The Journal requires at least two-year follow-up for all patients enrolled in clinical treatment studies, especially for arthroplasty and instability of the shoulder. Exceptions at the editor's discretion will be allowed when studies are stopped due to adverse events, or other significant or important differences are detected before the two-year minimum follow-up is reached (e.g. studies of fracture where union is the outcome measure of interest), or for certain case reports.

It is a misunderstanding that the JSES is mainly interested in level 1 or 2 studies. Retrospective clinical studies with great clinical impact may have a much greater priority for publication as prospective randomized studies with small numbers and little clinical relevance.

In principle case reports are welcome. Nevertheless the authors should consider that many case reports are submitted but very few are published. In order to be accepted a case report must not only relate to an uncommon problem but must also be shown to have an effect upon clinical practice.

The authors warrant that the manuscript (and material) is not published or submitted elsewhere. Even a double publication of important parts of the material may lead to early rejection of the manuscript or withdrawal of the published paper. The fact that the material or important parts of the English manuscript submitted to the JSES are already published in different languages (German, French, Italian e.g.) has to be declared in the cover letter. As a rule double publications in different languages even without English abstract in the non-English version are not acceptable.

The reviewers are requested to detect “Salami publication” which is frequently encountered in study groups who are exposed to high academic working load and pressure to publish. Especially a large arthroplasty data base leads to the temptation to split the material and publish it in unattractive pieces.

All manuscripts which deal with the study of human subjects must be accompanied by Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Ethical Committee Approval, or the national or regional equivalent in your geographic area. The name of the Board or Committee giving approval and the study number assigned must accompany the submission, preferably by a scanned copy of the IRB or Ethical Committee Approval.

All manuscripts which deal with animal subjects must be approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), Ethical Committee, or an Animal Utilization Study Committee, and this statement, and approval number, must accompany the submission. The manuscript should contain information about any post-operative care and pain management for the animals.

Submission of Manuscripts
Manuscripts and all other communications must be written in English. Submission of the materials in the correct format will expedite the review process and prevent unnecessary delay in publication. For authors whose primary language is not English, we urge you to consider a language review of your manuscript by a primary English speaker prior to submission to the journal. There are also now several such services available via the Internet which will review your paper, and improve the English grammar and syntax.
On receipt of the manuscript or other materials, peer review will be performed by an Editor and usually two additional reviewers. Should the material require revision, authors are requested to complete and submit revisions within three months.
Authors must submit new manuscripts and all related documentation electronically via the Publishers website, Elsevier Editorial System (EES) at http://ees.elsevier.com/jses.

Please click on the link below and follow the necessary instructions to submit your paper:


SECEC members also get together with their membership the online access to "Seminars in Arthroplasty"

Please visit the JSES Open Access

Social Media
The JSES provides a platform for online communication: Facebook Page Link JSES

Mrs. Hannah Behrendt, secretary of the Deputy Editor, has established a data base of the main interests of all European reviewers working for the JSES. Please help us to keep this information update. In case of any relevant changes for the JSES (e.g. address changes) we kindly ask you to send us an e-mail.

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