Welcome to the SECEC Membership Online Application

You are now applying to become a Member (corresponding): be sure to have all the requirements before you apply

Personal Details

You must insert your first name

You must insert your surname

You must insert a valid email

You must insert a valid date of birth

You must insert a valid mobile phone number

Preferable format: 250x250 | File extensions required: jpg/png

Main address

Choose a Country of residence

You must insert a main city

You must insert an address

You must insert a valid zipcode

Professional Information

Choose a qualification


You must insert a diploma


You must insert an instruction place

Choose a job country

Choose a graduation year


To proceed you must upload your CV

SECEC Members Sponsors

The names of two SECEC members wiling to back up your application are required to join the society. Please provide their contact details below:

Sponsor 1

You must insert a name

You must insert a surname

Choose a country

You must insert a valid email

Sponsor 2

You must insert a name

You must insert a surname

Choose a country

You must insert a valid email


Finally, confirm that you agree with the following statements:

"I hereby declare that all information provided in this application is accurate and truthful to the best of my knowledge"

To proceed you must accept

"I agree with the SECEC terms and conditions and privacy policy, including receiving emails from SECEC. I understand that I may opt out from receiving emails at any time"

To proceed you must accept

Click submit to complete the application process.

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